NC’s Aga condemns labelling of Muslim MP as terrorist in debut Lok Sabha speech

Wajahat Shabir. Updated: 6/27/2024 12:02:27 AM Front Page

Criticizes swift article 370 Abrogation, calls for constitutional integrity

SRINAGAR: Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi, the newly elected Member of Parliament from the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference representing Srinagar, delivered a pointed and impassioned critique in his debut address to the Lok Sabha on Wednesday.
Mehdi's speech tackled the controversial labeling of a Muslim MP as a terrorist and the swift legislative process that led to the abrogation of Article 370, which previously granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir.
Mehdi began by congratulating Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on his re-election, setting a tone of respect and anticipation for change.
"Congratulations on being elected Speaker again. After this, I request that from now on, you belong neither to the BJP, nor Congress, nor Samajwadi Party. From today onwards, your only party should be the Constitution of India. I hope that from today onwards, you will be its protector," Mehdi stated, emphasizing the Speaker's role as an impartial guardian of democratic principles.
In a heartfelt appeal to the House, Mehdi highlighted the critical need for democratic integrity and protection of minority rights.
"In this House, which is known as the largest assembly of democracy, there will be examples of democracy. You will be remembered whether you forced the ruling party to listen to the opposition or silenced the opposition. You will be reminded how you remained silent when a Muslim MP elected by the people was called a terrorist. Suppose an MP elected by the people can be called a terrorist in this House. In that case, those Muslims can also be called terrorists on the streets," Mehdi argued, drawing attention to the dangerous implications of such rhetoric.
The Speaker, Om Birla, interrupted Mehdi to maintain order and suggested that the new session be observed over time before making judgments. “Look at the tenure, then comment,” Birla advised.
Addressing the contentious issue of Article 370, Mehdi critiqued the hurried manner in which the bill was passed.
“You’ll be remembered when the Bill of abrogation of Article 370 in J&K was placed before this House within a minute and then subsequently passed in 30 minutes,” he stated, to which the Speaker responded by clarifying that the bill had been debated for over nine hours.

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